
About Website


*Coming Events
*Art Show
*Dealers' Room
*Video Room
*Hotel Information
*Past Events
*About Website

Welcome to the web site blurb.
Hello, and salute I am here to tell you about website. The Key con website was created in order to keep it's fans up to date on what is happing with the convention. And I personally think we have done well in our endeavor to do just that.

Granted we have had a few set backs that do not need to be mentioned but it has always been here with as accurate of information as we are able to give you at the time. And as much information as we can give you.

Hopefully as new web personnel come and go we will continue to bring you a site that you as convention members can be truly proud of. But we do not know how you feel unless you tell us. Please feel free to email the convention members and tell them about the great job they are doing.

*Keycon 17
*Keycon 18
*Keycon 19
*Keycon 20
All content is © to Keycon, in less other wise stated. For more information please see our Legalese page.