Also Attending


The Questgiver

Yes, the Questgiver will return for Keycon 35!

She is doing something special this year. She’s our Techno-mage. Our one and ONLY dual classed member. The Techno-mage will act as our referee and arbitrator for the faction challenges over the weekend.

The story behind the idea to portray a Quest Giver is a simple one.  Once her love for nerdy conventions had blossomed, a new era of craft time hobbies started – cosplay. Spending hours playing the beloved World of Warcraft series for many years sparked an idea. What if she dressed up like a quest giver and gave out actual quests? Thus Quest Giver was born. The debut of Quest Giver was at the very first Anime Fargo convention in 2013.  The costume of choice was an old renaissance festival outfit and a hand-made foam exclamation point painted yellow. The quests started out small with finding such common objects as pens, napkins, etc, as well as taking pictures of items around Con.

The Quest Giver idea received positive feedback from Anime Fargo and turned into being invited to Core Con, Valley Con, and later on, Key Con. Quests have morphed into finding specific objects posted all over the convention, visiting key areas of the con, participating in activities in fan suites, and completing on-the-spot challenges all in exchange for Epic Loot.  Prizes of coins, gems, knickknacks, and badge ribbons are handed out with completion of questlines. You even have the chance of leveling up with the completion of challenges.

Being the Quest Giver has allowed her to meet more people who love the things she does and interact more in the con community. It has expanded her knowledge and allowed her to be more immersed in what each con has to offer. So find the Quest Giver and let your adventure begin!