Official Hospitality Suite FAQ

Q: What is the official Hospitality Suite?

A: Every year a single suite is chosen as the official hospitality suite of Keycon. As part of the honor of being official, Keycon provides the room (1502), and a certain amount of Money to help cover the costs of running the suite.

In Exchange, these brave souls keep their suite open an insane amount of hours, and provide refreshments for the masses.

Q: How does a suite become the official Hospitality Suite?

A: Your first step is to contact the Hospitality Committee Chair.

The successful suite will:

  1. Already be registered as a hospitality suite.
  2. Present a bid containing a budget, theme, potential menu, and how this suite will enhance the convention overall.

Verbal presentations will be made at a date to be determined.

All candidates will be notified within 30 days with the results of the bid.

Q: What Hours are the Official Hospitality Suite Expected to be open?

A: The minimum hours the official suite needs to be open is: from one hour prior to start of programming schedule until 1:00a.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The group may indeed stay open later or open earlier as they feel comfortable doing. Thursday evening is also available at the option of the suite organizers to caterer to setup personnel.

Q: What meals/food/other is expected to be available from the Consuite?

A: At all times light snacks, water, and a non-alcoholic beverage (Pop, Juice, Tang, etc.) of some sort needs to be available. There are 4 servings that will be expected from the Consuite:

  • Breakfast Saturday morning
  • Dinner Saturday late afternoon/early evening
  • Breakfast Sunday Morning
  • Sunday Light Dinner/Dead Dog Snack.

Food is on a first come/first serve basis and quantities are limited, Food ideas should be simple and easy to serve.

At least one member of the suite personnel MUST possess a Manitoba food handler’s certificate

Q: Alcohol?

A: It is not required to serve alcohol. If you wish to then you will be required to see valid government issued photo ID. Such as a driver’s license, Pass Port, Nexus etc. Birth certificates, health cards or university cards are not sufficient IDs.

Q: What is the budget of the official hospitality suite?

A: The amount may be confirmed by contacting the coordinator at and is dependent on the budget. Receipts are required.

Q: How much of the above is set in stone, and non-negotiable?

A: We’re open to discussing any of the above. The hospitality co-ordinator is always available to assist any interested group with putting together their proposal. Do not hesitate to ask them for guidance.